Start Your Day with Self-Love Journalling Prompts💕

Today I woke up feeling a little down about myself—thinking that I’m not doing enough or have achieved enough for my age (really bad thoughts). I know I’ve put out content about well-being and how to think positively, but we all have times where we just dip. That’s why working on our well-being is all about consistently pulling ourselves back up. We are allowed to feel down sometimes but it doesn’t feel good to stay there.

So today I’m sharing how I pulled myself back up today. These were the questions I asked myself and I had a good laugh about my answers:

1️⃣  Write down 10 things your love about yourself.
Take this chance to say whatever you want to. No one is looking! No one is judging. You can love yourself for anything and everything—even the way you breathe can be appreciated. Go wild because there can never be enough self-love. I laughed when I wrote I love my hair. 😂 My hair is also part of me right!

2️⃣ Give yourself 3 rewards for simply being you.
These rewards can be tangible or intangible. Maybe the reward today could be no guilt-tripping for 1 day, or 1 day of rest and fun. You always deserve a treat. What is it that you want to treat yourself to today?

3️⃣ Write down 3 things you love about yourself that you would like to see more in yourself.
You have so many good traits about yourself. Which do you want to increase? or work on? or emphasise? As ever-changing learning humans, what is our next system update? Could it be more kindness? more courage?

Hope you have fun doing these prompts if you decide to try them out! 💕 There can never be enough self-love! Loving yourself is not being delusional or arrogant—very different. And I hope this helps someone out there too.

With Love,


This was originally posted on Lemon8.


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